Corporate Duty of Care Travel | McTavish Travel

Duty of care is a fundamental concept that pertains to the legal and ethical responsibility a corporation holds towards its employees, particularly when they are traveling for work-related purposes. As businesses expand post-pandemic and employees travel more frequently, ensuring the well-being and safety of traveling employees has become a critical priority.

This duty of care extends beyond providing a mere duty to protect the physical safety of employees during their travels. It encompasses a comprehensive approach that includes safeguarding their health, security, and overall welfare throughout the entire duration of their business trips. Corporations should take proactive measures to mitigate risks, anticipate potential hazards, and establish contingency plans to respond effectively to emergencies that may arise during travel.

By prioritizing duty of care, corporations can not only protect their employees but also promote a positive corporate culture that values the well-being of their workforce. Emphasizing duty of care can lead to increased employee satisfaction, enhanced productivity, and ultimately contribute to the overall success and reputation of the organization.

Access the five basic criteria that companies should consider to fulfill their duty of care obligations here: